Mizrachi Lab
Welcome to the Mizrachi Lab
My laboratory is addressing key questions in the assembly of tight junctions (TJs) using a bottom-up approach. Our tools are molecular and structural biology, protein engineering, biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, cell biology, and physiology. Our objective is to understand biomolecular (self-) assembly of TJs, and function of its proteins’ structure and interactions. We aim to apply this knowledge to important problems in human health, biomolecular engineering, and nanotechnology.
Why do we collaborate?
We truly believe that people will benefit from our research. We also believe people don’t have decades to wait for our research to advance to translational solutions. We call upon all those who are interested in helping people, to collaborate, and further our designs in order for the research to become clinical solutions at a speedy pace.

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Cell Biology and Physiology Assistant Professor
3015 LSB
Phone: 607-882-3982
Curriculum Vitae